energy drink
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Jamal Ahmelich is a registered clinical counsellor through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. His philosophy of therapy is that the client/counsellor relationship is of utmost importance in promoting change and as such, always uses a client centered, strengths based approach.

Teens who consume energy drinks more likely to use alcohol?

energy drink

Teens have been drawn the the energy Nearly one-third of US adolescents consume high-caffeine energy drinks or “shots,” and these teens report higher rates of alcohol, cigarette, or drug use, reports a study.  Teens who drink high-caffeine energy beverages such as Red Bull or Monster may be more likely to use alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.  The findings suggest that the same personality traits that attract kids to energy drinks — such as being a risk taker — may increase the chances that they’ll use addictive substances, the study authors said.

Boys were more likely to use energy drinks than girls. Use was also higher for teens without two parents at home and those whose parents were less educated. Perhaps surprisingly, the youngest teens (eighth graders) were most likely to use energy drinks/shots.

Teens who consume energy drinks more likely to use alcohol?

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